7 Signs You Need to Schedule a Hearing Test

7 Signs You Need to Schedule a Hearing Test

According to some research, 15% of American adults who are over age 18 have had some type of trouble hearing.

It's not uncommon for you to start losing your hearing, but thankfully getting a hearing test can help diagnose any issues.

Once you have a diagnosis for your hearing problems, you can take steps to fix them. Keep reading today to find out if you have any of these signs that you should schedule a hearing test.

1. You Hear Ringing

If you're hearing ringing in your ears, you may be experiencing tinnitus. This ringing could sound like a ring or a high-frequency sound, or it could be a static buzz. Some people hear a disruptive sound.

Tinnitus can happen if you've been exposed to loud sounds over a prolonged period of time, which may have damaged your ear. Persistent tinnitus can be very distracting, and it can make hearing harder.

A hearing test will check for any hearing loss that comes with tinnitus, and then the doctor can develop a strategy for tinnitus relief.

2. You're Turning Up the Volume

Do you find that you're turning up the volume on the radio, your phone, or the TV? You might be experiencing subtle hearing loss, and a local audiologist will be able to do a hearing test for you.

While it's normal to happen every once in a while, it's more concerning when you do this every day. If you're always turning up the volume, your hearing may not be as good as it used to be.

While this could be as simple as cleaning the earwax out of your ears, you may need more long-term solutions.

3. You Miss Out on Conversations

If you're finding yourself constantly asking, "What?" in a conversation, you might be experiencing hearing loss.

When you have a hearing impairment, keeping up with conversations, even in a quiet environment, can be challenging. You might be able to hear what people are saying, but it could also be hard to locate the voice or even comprehend it.

You might also think that people aren't speaking up and are mumbling. It could be that you're just not able to hear certain pitches and levels of sound.

Being in a noisy environment and trying to have a conversation can make it even more challenging. If you're having trouble engaging in conversations in social settings because you can't hear anyone, then you may have a hearing problem. Getting this diagnosed can be helpful to allow you to interact in these social situations.

4. Sleeping Through Alarms

Have you been late to work recently because you keep sleeping through your alarm, even if you set it at the highest setting? Are you missing calls because you can't hear the ringer?

Do you not hear your doorbell or other loud sounds in your home? These are all signs that you're experiencing hearing loss. It might be challenging to notice them at first, but it can be helpful to keep a list of when these occur and what happened.

You might also want to take a second to try and listen to some of your surroundings. If you can't hear any traffic, animals, or other background noise, it might be time to schedule the hearing test as soon as you can.

5. You Don't Know Where Sounds Are Coming From

You may be able to hear sounds but unable to identify where they're coming from. An important part of hearing is hearing the sound and then identifying where it was coming from.

This is how you perceive sounds that are more subtle and identify which direction they're coming from. However, if you can't identify where the sounds are coming from, then your brain will have a hard time giving you an accurate idea of your surroundings.

This can make the noise sound weird, and it can make you feel disoriented.

6. You've Worked in Noisy Environments

If you've worked in noisy environments for most of your life, you have a higher chance of experiencing hearing loss. You may also have a hobby that puts you in these environments, like attending concerts or going to the shooting range.

Either way, if you've been in these environments, you should schedule a hearing test. The doctor will be able to determine if you're experiencing hearing loss and whether it's permanent or temporary. They may recommend hearing aids.

You might be panicking and not want to get hearing aids, but the technology has come a long way. Most of them are very small and tiny, and most people won't be able to tell that you're wearing a hearing aid.

Your doctor can help program the hearing aids so that you can hear all of the sounds that you couldn't before. They can customize the level of hearing to ensure that nothing is too loud but is actually at the perfect level.

7. You're Over 60

If you're older, statistics say that you're more likely to experience hearing loss. Depending on your health insurance, you may be entitled to get a free hearing test every three years just to check.

However, if you've noticed a sudden decline in your hearing abilities, you should schedule a checkup as soon as possible.

Schedule a Hearing Test Today

If you've experienced any of these signs, you may need to schedule a hearing test.

Scheduling a hearing test will diagnose whether or not you have a hearing problem. If you do have a hearing problem, then you'll be able to get fitted for hearing aids.

Contact us today to schedule your hearing test!